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Contnuing the parts of crap ebook

Dynamic Keyword Insertion
Google’s Dynamic Keyword Insertion is an uncommon feature that you may find useful
in writing text ads. Basically, you enter a bit of code into your text ad, either in the title or
in the description. When someone enters a keyword in their search, the keyword they
entered is displayed in your ad.
This is the code:
{KeyWord: default title}
Put this bit of code into your text ad to make the keyword that the searcher types in
display your add in all lower case. The default title entered next to the code is what will
be displayed if the searchers keyword is too long to fit into the title.
Dynamic keywords can be a bit confusing at first. For example, if you were to insert
{KeyWord: example} into your ad, it doesn’t change the keyword: part of the code. The
only thing that changes is the text that comes after Keyword in the code.
It will be displayed only if users enter a search term that is too long to fit into the title.
And don’t forget you can put additional text before and after the brackets: {KeyWord:
Free Widgets}, for example.
If you’re new to GoogleAds, you probably should not use dynamic keyword Insertion
until you have mastered the basics.
Dynamic Keyword Benefits
Perhaps the most important benefit of using dynamic keywords is that it will display the
viewer’s search word in your ad’s title. If you set it up properly, it can help boost your
CTR to 3% or higher.
Another possible benefit can also be a source of trouble: Google sometimes does not
allow the use of trademarked terms in your ads.
You may be able to get around the trademark restrictions by using Dynamic Keyword
Insertion. If you have used the dynamic keyword code {KeyWord: yourProduct Music
Sale} in your ad’s title, and a user searches for music for a different player brand, your
ad’s title might appear as “user’sBrand Music Sale.”
Dynamic Keyword Disadvantages
When users enter search phrases that are longer than the title, dynamic keywords won’t
work as expected, and what the viewer sees may be confusing enough to keep potential
customers from visiting your Web site.
Also keep in mind that it’s rare to see ads that use dynamic keyword insertion receiving
high CTRs in contextual advertising.
Use this technique only if you have a product you think will really benefit from dynamic
keyword insertion, but use it very carefully!
When you finish writing your Text Ad, click the Continue button at the bottom of the
page. Google will check your ad to verify that you haven’t broken any of the rules. If you
have violated any guidelines, Google will tell you so and tell you how to fix it. If your ad
passes the test, it’s time to move on to the next step in the process.
Writing Great Text Ads
Text Ads are undeniably important and your goal is to attract everyone who wants to
buy what you’re selling, and to discourage those who are simply browsing. That can be
tricky when you attempt to use the same add to attract buyers and discourage casual
One technique to serve both purposes is to include the price of the product you’re
advertising in your ads whenever you can. This discourages the non-buyers from
clicking, since they probably don’t intend to spend anything. Then focus on attracting
potential buyers to your ad and your Web site. Keep the following facts in mind:
1. Roughly three-quarters of the clicks on Google search results pages are on the
search results. Only one-quarter are on text ads.
2. The two top ranked ads have the highest click through rates, with an estimated
10% CTR. The CTR for the ad in the lowest position on the first search results
page may be as high as 3%.
To get an idea of your CTR, look at the history for the past weeks or months for a
particular keyword. Google evaluates long-term performance, not just today’s
results, although it does put more emphasis on recent activity.
Write Your Ads
1. Make sure you have the information you’ll need, including the website you will
advertise, the destination URL, and your AdGroup keywords list.
2. Check the competition. Before you can write an effective ad, you need to see
what competing advertisers are doing. You’ll want to create ways to differentiate
yourself from other sellers.
To do this, access Google’s Ad Preview Tool at This is a very useful
tool to use when you search for your own text ads. When you search your ads in
a regular Google search, you can hurt your campaign’s performance by adding
impressions without any clicks. To avoid this undesirable effect, use the Ad
Preview tool instead. You can search for your own ads as much as you’d like
without negatively affecting your own or your advertisers accounts.
In the Ad Preview Tool, go to the Google AdGroup you’re going to create text
ad(s) for. Each of your AdGroups should have common keyword themes, and
each of your keywords should be similar.
Begin by entering a keyword in the Google Ad Preview, then search for the
results. Look carefully at the other advertisers’ ads and make notes about the
ads that really catch your attention.
3. You’ve seen the competition and it’s time to figure out how you can beat them—
which is easier than you think. A lot of online advertisers have no experience
writing text ads.
Whatever words a Web searcher types into the Google search field are bolded in
your text ad, so include as many words as possible that are similar to the words
searchers are likely to enter. Don’t overdo it, though. Enter just the most
commonly entered keywords.
Google bolds different versions of the same word. If the searcher enters the
words “stop something,” the words that are bolded in you ad will include stop,
stopping, and stops. Since stopping is four characters longer than stop, you’ll get
four additional letters of bold text in your ad.
The majority of advertisers don’t add a keyword to their display URLs, even
though It’s an easy way to draw some extra attention to your text ad. For
example, if the display URL is, simply change it to The problem with doing this is there may not be a
“barking” page on the Web site.
Google requires that the display URL is valid and goes to the same domain as
the destination URL. If the Web site has a default error page, the visitor will be
redirected to a live page on the site. If there is no default error page, the visitor
will see a 404 Error page. That simply annoys the user and sends him/her back
to the search list to click on the competition’s ad! Always test the link to make
sure users don’t see an error page!
Ad Writing Tips & Tricks
1. Google seems to prefer AdGroups that have three-to-four different ads running.
2. Make almost unbelievable claims in your ad, without making it illegal or
completely unrealistic.
3. Don’t repeat text except when you want extra bolded keywords.
4. Tell potential customers what to do; for example, “Buy Now!”
5. Try using a limited number of non-text characters such as *, “, &, etc. Don’t
overdo it. The text message is what’s important and too many symbols will take
up valuable space and obscure the message.
6. If you run out of space, remove unnecessary words such as and, as, the, in, a,
etc. or use symbols or abbreviations when possible (e.g., & for and).
Take the time to put your ads together carefully. Badly written ads will not get high
quality scores, so don’t rush through the process. Keep the information relevant, think
carefully about the words you want to appear in bold text, and look at your competitors
ads for ideas on writing your own.
Do a search and see which ads get those first-page positions and try to determine how
they got there, compared to the ads on the third page.
And always double-check your affiliate URL to make sure that you entered it correctly
and that it works properly.
Keyword Match Types
Before entering keywords into your AdGroup, it’s important to understand keyword
match types.
There are four keyword match options:
1. Broad Matched: the most commonly used. They don’t have particularly high
conversion rates because they’re too broad, but they may generate a lot of traffic.
And this option can result in a lot of irrelevant listings, which is frustrating to users
searching for a specific item or bit of information. And it’s possible that your ad
won’t display at all unless there’s an exact keyword match.
2. Phrase Matched: displayed only when the keyword(s) and the search phrase
appear in your ad in the same order the searcher typed them. They may
generate more traffic than Exact Matched, and may have a higher conversion
rate than Broad Matched.
3. Exact Matched: displayed only when the user searches for a keyword that is
exactly the same as one of yours. They don’t produce a lot of traffic, but usually
have high conversion rates.
4. Negative Matched: the most confusing option, most easily explained with an
example. If you sell abc brand cameras, you’d like to attract as many people
looking for cameras as possible. If the searcher enters “xyz Cameras” he or she
will still see your ad if you enter a negative keyword to your list. In this case, you
would use the keyword -xyz, which will cause the search to ignore the unique
brand name and display your ad no matter what brand of camera the searcher is
looking for.
Keyword Matching Benefits
Keyword matching can make it possible to reach all your potential customers, resulting
in more traffic, higher quality scores, and higher profits. The most effecting ones.
Phrase and exact matched are the best options. If you do a bit of research on your own,
you should notice that exact matches are displayed before broad-matched searches.
Keyword Wrapping
Do your own Google search to find a variety of software packages, so of it free, that can
save you a lot of time and work when you enter keywords/AdWords. Search for
“keyword+wrapping” to view available products.
Almost Done!
After the keywords are added to your AdGroup, your final task is to create an AdGroup
budget. This is not a task you want to rush through. It’s not that difficult, but a single
typo can cost you a lot of money. Make sure that you double-check your entries!
You will need to enter a maximum cost-per-click amount (Max CPC). This should be
between $0.05–$0.15, and your maximum daily advertising budget should be $8.00–
$10.00, at least initially.
point (or full stop) to separate the dollars from the cents, and a comma to separate
thousands of dollars from hundreds of dollars. Other countries use a comma between
dollars and cents.
If you accidentally enter a comma where there should be a period, you can easily turn
your $10.00 maximum daily budget amount into a $1,000 daily budget (although Google
won’t accept incorrectly entered amounts, it cannot read your mind). Make sure there’s
a period—not a comma—after the “$10” and follow it with two zeros after the period.
Google will refund at least part of your charges if you inform them immediately about
your mistake. However, it’s easier to proofread your maximum click and advertising
budgets very carefully before submitting them!
Before creating more text ads, check to see if any of your keywords are inactive. If you
find that there are a few, either pause of delete them. Eventually, you may be tempted
to raise your keyword bids, but hold off doing that for the time-being.
If the status for all your keywords is OK or Great, you can start writing more text ads.
Your goal is to have three-to-four different ads in each AdGroup. Google’s
recommendation: at least one of the ads should use dynamic keyboard insertion.

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Using Google AdWords for Affiliate Marketing
When you advertise on Google, you are asked to provide two separate URLs. One is
the Display URL and the other is the Destination URL. The Display URL is what the
web surfer sees on your ad. The Destination URL is the actual URl that the web surfer
goes to when they click on your ad.
Google reviews these URLs and compares them with the competition’s URL’s for each
keyword in the keyword list. If Google finds a competitor with the same URL using the
same keyword, it will not display your ad.
Google will override and replace the competition’s ad only if your text ad is better.
Google uses what they call the Quality Score to determine whose ad is better. If your
Quality Score is better, your ad will always be shown.
Here are two ways to always have your ad displayed:
1. Make your own landing page. By doing this, your URL will be original, and your
ad will always be shown.
2. Make your ad better so that its Quality Score is better than your competitors.
Starting a Google AdWords Account
Go to Towards the bottom of the page, you will see a link entitled
“Advertising Programs.” After clicking on this link, you will be taken to the following
When you get there, click on the “Google AdWords” link. (Bookmark this page or add it
to your favorites, because you will use it often.) Click on “Sign up now.” This will take
you to a couple of pages that will ask how you want to set up your ad group with
Google. We will go over the intricacies of this later. For now, just set up a simple
After you click on “Sign up now,” you will be taken to a page asking what type of
AdWords account you want to set up. Choose the “Standard Edition” and click
Now, you will see a section that asks you to Target Customers by Language. Simply
select which language you want to advertise in. Remember that this should be the same
language that the webpage is in that you are advertising for.
In Target Customers by Location, select where you want to advertise. There are three
sections to choose from. For now, choose Countries and Territories.
In Countries & Territories, you will advertise in particular countries or territories.
In Regions & Cities, you will advertise in particular regions or cities. This works best if
you are advertising for local products or products located in many cities. For example, if
the business was located in California, you could advertise in the major cities there.
In the Customized section, you can customize and be very specific about the areas
where you want to advertise.
Next, you will have to be more specific about the area in which you would like to
advertise. You will need to choose one city, country or region for the simple campaign
we are beginning with. For example, if you live in the United States, choose “United
Click on the “Continue” button, and you will then be prompted to make your
advertisement. Since you can edit this later, just make up a quick, simple ad. You won’t
even use this ad, Google just wants something here before you can continue.
Click on “Continue”, and you will be asked to enter keywords. Again, you can edit this
later, so just type in one keyword that is related to your website and hit “Continue.”
The next page will ask you to select the currency you want Google to use to bill you. Be
sure you choose the correct currency, because you cannot change this later. You
will then see a section that asks What is the most you would like to spend, on
average, per day? This is your Max Daily Budget.
For now, just set it to somewhere around $10, and go to the next section. (You won’t be
billed this amount.) In What is the maximum you are willing to pay each time
someone clicks on your ad? This is the Maximum Cost Per Click. Just enter about 5
cents here, and click “Continue.”
Click the “Continue” button, and a page will appear which shows you all of the settings
you currently have in your Advertisement Group. Check them over, and click on
“Continue to Sign Up.”
This next page will ask if you have a Google Account. If so, just enter your email
address and password and click on “Create AdWords Account.” If you don’t have an
account, look for the link “Create a new Google Account to be your login to AdWords.”
Here, you can create a new Google Account.
If you don’t have a Google Account, it will ask you to put in your email address and a
password. Be sure this information is right, because Google will send you an email right
after you set up your account. After you put all this information in, click “Create
AdWords Account.”
Google will now email you a link to click on to activate your account. Just click on the
URL and follow the instructions. You can now log into Google AdWords. Simply use
your email address as your User Name and the password that you created earlier.
When you are in your account, you will have to set up a credit card for Google to use to
bill you. Here’s how:
1. Click on “My Account.”
2. Click on “Billing Preferences.” This will take you to the place to enter your credit
card information.
You will be charged $5 as an activation fee. (Most other search engines charge more
than this.) After you enter your credit card and other personal information, your account
will be activated.
Chapter 3
Your New Account
Pausing your “dummy” campaign
You will want to pause the simple campaign that we set up earlier, so you won’t receive
any traffic to it. Just click on “Campaign Management.” In the “Current Status” section,
change the status from “Active” to “Paused.” Simply check the box next the campaign
you want to change the status on, and click the “Pause” button at the top of the page.
Your campaign is now paused.
Background Information with Your Account
Now, you will learn basic AdWords Account information like definitions and meanings of
keywords, campaigns, and AdGroups.
Keywords – These are what people search for in Google. A keyword is whatever the
person types into the search box. Basically, a search is a keyword. When you have a
keyword that matches someone’s search request, your ad will be shown. The more
keywords you have, the better the chance that someone is going to see your ad, hence
the importance of keyword lists.
Text Advertisement – These are self-explanatory. They are ads you use on PPC
search engines. Just remember that text ads are only text, so you can only use text.
AdGroup – This is where you put your keyword lists and text ads in your Google
account. The keyword list can contain up to 2,000 keywords, and you should have at
least four different text ads in each AdGroup.
Campaign – This is where you put your AdGroups. If you are selling dolls, name your
campaign “dolls”. You can also edit your daily budget and what countries you advertise
in from here.
Google Billing
Once every 30 days, Google will bill you for all the clicks you received. Depending on
your Google Credit Limit, they may bill you sooner. The credit limit depends on your
account’s history. It can be from to $50 to $500.
Google also has a feature that allows you to set up more than one credit card just in
case the credit card you have on file will not pay the bill for your ads.
AdWords Layout
Here’s the layout of an AdWords Account:
2-4 Text Ads
Many keywords
Basically, AdWords accounts contain campaigns that consist of AdGroups containing
keywords and text ads.
Chapter 4
Some Background on Google AdWords
Google changed its advertising policy back in July or August, 2006, causing many
advertisers to drastically increase their bids or leave Google AdWords altogether.
Some time in July, 2006, a lot of advertisers notice that nearly all of their keywords were
inactive for search in their campaigns. Before the policy change, advertisers were above
to raise their bids three cents or more to re-activate their keywords.
However, instead of Google sending them a note to raise their bids a few cents, it told
them they would have to set their keyword’s bid to extravagant amounts to activate the
People negatively affected by the change think that Google changed their policy just to
make more money. This is not true. It changed the policy to get rid of most of the
undesirable paid search results from Google’s Search Network.
Google changed its display and some of its policy in October, 2008. Instead of making
keywords with low quality scores inactive for search, it keeps the status as active but
requires the advertiser to raise the bid in order to get on the first page of search results.
Also, they changed the display of the quality score. They now show it as a fraction
between 1/10 (being poor) to 10/10 (being perfect).
There are a couple of things to remember before you start your account that can hurt
beginner advertisers severely.
1. Obey Google’s Rules. Their policies are very strict. They will notify you by email
or by message in your account when something is wrong with your account or
your ads. If you don’t fix it, you may get banned from Google. If Google bans
your account, they will not accept any payments from any credit card. If you ever
do get banned, you will have to call Google to get it straightened out.
2. Never completely change your target URL (Destination URL). Sometimes, the
website you are advertising for will go down temporarily. The worst thing you can
do is to change your Text Ad’s Destination URL to another website that sells the
same or similar product.
Even though this would prevent you from having to pause your account, it will
cause your quality Score to go to 0.0. Your quality score is used by Google to
decide what you pay for each keyword, keeps your keywords activated, ranks
your ads, and determines how often your text ad is shown in Google searches. It
is similar to your Credit Score in life.
The better it is, the more money you save. If you change your URL, you will reset
your quality score which will cause your traffic to dramatically decrease. If a URL
change is inevitable, pause the campaign and create a new one. Then, use
Google AdWords Editor to copy all of your keywords to the new campaign. This
will save your quality score. Also, you can later reactivate the old campaign to get
the same amount of traffic as before.
You should only change your Destination URL when you have created a brand
new campaign or AdGroup and/or you are testing new merchants and advertising
new products.
Chapter 5
Intro to Quality Score
Google is all about accuracy and relevancy. If it brought up inaccurate results, it
wouldn’t be nearly as popular. When Google first began, AdWords ads didn’t have to be
very relevant, because you were paying to display your text ads.
However, since Yahoo and Microsoft improved their search engines, Google saw this as
a potential threat and decided to dramatically increase the relevancy rules of AdWords
ads and created the “Quality Score” system.
The Quality Score determines the similarity of your ad to the web surfer’s search
request. If your ad is totally different from the surfer’s search request, you will get a
“Poor” Quality Score which will cause you to have to pay more money to have your ad
shown. However, if your ad is extremely relevant to the surfer’s search request, you will
get a “Great” Quality Score, and you will have to pay less to have your ads displayed.
Here are some advantages of the Quality Score system:
1. The higher the score, the better placement of your ads.
2. The higher the score, the less you pay per click.
3. Google automatically adjusts your Max Cost Per Click and ranking based on your
Quality Score.
4. The higher the score, the more impressions you will receive which lead to more
clicks and more sales.
5. Your ad’s position will be increased.
Other than the disadvantage of changing your URL, you could also spend your Max
CPC for each click if you don’t know what you’re doing. So, following the Quality Score
guidelines correctly is the difference between success and failure with Google.
How to Get a High Quality Score
1. Make your ads as similar to the search request as possible.
2. Be sure the website you are advertising is similar to the search request and the
text ad you created.
Things That Hurt Your Quality Score
1. Websites that have several AdSense ads (text ads that say “Ads by Google”)
2. A website that’s main purpose is collect email addresses
3. Advertisement-filled websites
4. Websites with an unclear purpose
5. Websites that are confusing
6. Websites that are inaccurate
7. Creating ads unrelated to the search results
8. Using keywords that don’t accurately describe the website or product you’re
Chapter 6
Finding a Perfect Website to Promote
The more problems you find within a website, the better the chances are that the
website will not be profitable. Below is a list of things you should look for in a website
that you want to promote.
Ignore the Impossible Websites
This is a website that is nearly impossible to make money online with. Here’s a list of
impossible websites that you should not promote:
• Paid Surveys
• Download Unlimited Music, Games, Videos, Movies
• Auction Websites
• Dieting Websites
You should also avoid very popular websites. This is because the more popular the
website or product, the more advertising competition you will receive.
Start out small and work your way up.
Avoid Poor Websites
Choose websites that look safe to the customer and the search engines.
Avoid websites that do the following:
Have AdSense ads on them
Are already being heavily advertised
Have duplicate content on each page
Force you to sign up for something
Don’t have a privacy policy
Are confusing or tricky
Have pop-up windows
Have something that you wouldn’t buy
Have low commission rates
Have misspelled words
Have pictures that won’t come up
Find a Well-Designed Website
Well-built websites have the following in common:
Have a “Contact Us” page
Offer website security
Offer a money back guarantee
Have a privacy policy or terms of service
Now, it’s time to find a profitable website. To do this, simply choose four professionallooking
websites. Write down the title or address to the website, the type of product they
sell, and their current gravity level. (Don’t choose four websites that sell the same
To choose the websites in Clickbank, just follow these instructions:
1. Go to Clickbank’s Marketplace through their website or this link:
2. Go to “List of Categories”, and select a category that interests you.
3. The category page will display the first ten website results for that category. Each
one is a different product that you can promote.
4. Look at all the different websites, until you find one that you want to promote.
5. Write down the information on each website that you would like to promote.
6. Do this until you have chosen four websites. Don’t forget to look in different
To choose websites in PayDotCom, follow these instructions:
1. Go to PayDotCom’s Marketplace through their website or this link:
2. Click on a category that interests you.
3. Ten different website results will be displayed for each category you choose.
Each one has a different product to sell.
4. Look at all the different websites, until you find one that you want to promote.
5. Write down the information on each website that you would like to promote.
6. Do this until you have chosen four websites. Don’t forget to look in different
Because Commission Junction has a higher standard of accepted websites, it is much
easier to browse their websites and choose your four. Most of their products are usually
high traffic and good quality.
Choosing Websites That Get Visitors
Now that you have your four, let’s narrow that down to the perfect website. You just
have to find out which website receives the most traffic. Regularly searched sites will
generate sales every day.
The best way to check for traffic on a website is to use Google’s Traffic Estimator.
Simply go to Google’s Keyword Tool and enter the main theme for the website’s
product. For example, if the website sold Bass Fishing Tips, you would search for “Bass
Look at the “Approx Avg Search Volume” column to see the amount of traffic Google
receives on this topic, on average, per month.
There is another way to check for traffic on a website. However, you shouldn’t use this if
you are already using Google’s Keyword Tool to find traffic.
You can go to WordTracker’s Keyword Tool and enter the main theme of the website’s
product. On the next screen, there will be a list of keywords with a number beside
them. That is the daily number. Multiply that number by 30 to get the monthly performance number.
Once you’ve determined the traffic that each of your four websites gets per month, it’s
time to decide which one to use. If your website receives less than 8,500 hits per month,
it’s not popular enough. If it receives 40,000 to 150,000, it’s probably too popular.
If it gets more than 150,000 hits per month, you probably need to be a little more
specific in your search. The perfect product receives at least 8,500 searches per month
but not more than 150,000.
That’s it! You’re done choosing a website!
Chapter 7
Affiliate URL
Now it’s time to get your own URL for the website, so you can get paid for the sales you
With Clickbank
In Clickbank, once you’ve found the company you want to advertise for, just click on
“Create Hoplink”. A new window will open where you will enter your Clickbank name
and hit “Submit.” A new page will open.
This new page will have the hoplink on it that you will use to advertise your chosen
website. It will look something like this: You will need
to save this somewhere, or write it down. You should always test the link to make sure it
goes to the website you are promoting. The first set of x’s should be your Clickbank
nickname. The second set should be the website’s merchant name. You will see this in
your sales data every time you make a sale for them.
The next steps are to create a keyword list and advertise it on Google AdWords. If you
follow the instructions in the remaining chapters carefully, you can make a fortune
With PayDotCom
In PayDotCom, once you’ve found the company you want to advertise for, click on
“Promote” for the website you’re planning to promote. A new page will open with various
ways to promote your chosen site. Most importantly, your affiliate link is also on this
page. Be sure to save the link or write it down. Don’t forget to test the link by putting it in
your web browser to make sure it goes to the correct site.
With Commission Junction
Commission Junction generally prefers that people advertise their merchant’s websites
through a personal website by using banner ads, text links and pop-up windows.
However, some merchants offer “keyword links” to use in Search Engine Marketing.
Go to your Commission Junction account, click on “Account” then “Web site Settings.”
Next, click on the “Edit” button, and a new window will pop up. Select “Search Engine
Marketing,” and click “Save.”
Now, you can start advertising your website. In your Commission Junction account, go
to the “Get Links” section, and click on “General Categories” or “Advertiser List.” Then,
click on “Additional Search Options.” In the “Link Type” drop-down menu, select
“Keyword Link”, and click the “Find” button. Commission Junction will then display all of
the websites that offer “Keyword Links” or advertising on search engines.
As soon as you find a website that you would like to advertise for, click on “View Links”,
and review their links until you find “Keyword Link.” Click on this, and you will see their
keyword rules. To get your affiliate link, click on “Get HTML.” The page will change, and
you will a section called “Code”. This is your affiliate URL. This is the one that you will
use in your advertisements.
Please note that you must be accepted the be merchant before you can advertise for
Destination & Display Affiliate URLs
There are two different types of URLs for text ads: Destination and Display.
Your display URL will be the address that your destination URL takes you to. For
example, if your destination URL is, but it takes you to, then your display URL will be
The destination URL and the display URL can be completely different. However, make
sure that your display URL is the same as, or a shortened version of, the website that
your destination URL takes you to.
Chapter 8
The best way to be certain that every single person who is the slightest bit interested in
your chosen website sees your ad is to create thousands of keywords.
Before creating your keyword list, be sure you have chosen the website that you are
going to promote and be certain that you have the main website address (URL) of your
chosen website. This is not the destination URL or affiliate URL.
To begin your keyword list, click on the following link to go to Google’s Keyword Tool: When you get there, select the
box next to “Website Content”.
In the text area, type in the website address for the site you’ve chosen, and click “Get
Keyword Ideas.”
Be sure to group your keywords together. This is not only important for Google, it also
improves click-through rates and conversions. Every keyword group will eventually
become its own AdGroup, so you can have specific text ads.
After clicking on “Get Keyword Ideas,” Google will change the page to list several
keywords when it is finished searching the site. Near the top of the page, you will see
“Showing keywords grouped by these terms.” Beside each keyword group is a number.
This number represents the number of keywords in that particular group.
Review each of the keyword groups that Google created for your keywords. Make a
note about the most relevant keywords groups, because these will be your first
Don’t forget that the most relevant keyword groups are the ones that best describe the
product you want to sell. You can choose the most relevant keyword group for your site
by comparing the number of keywords that each group has.
Now, you can look at each of the keywords within the group that you’ve just chosen.
Review each keyword, and “Add” every keyword that best describes your product or
website. Every time you “Add” a keyword, it is added to the keyword list on the right side
of the page.
After selecting all the keywords relevant to your product or site, you will need to
download the keyword list to your computer. Just click on “text” where it says “Download
these keywords.” Don’t forget where you save your keyword list.
Chapter 9
AdWords Campaigns that are Keyword Targeted
Google AdWords is the type of advertising you see most often on Google. These ads
are shown on the top and/or right of each Google search page.
To create a campaign, the first thing you’re going to do is login to your Google account.
Next, click “New Online Campaign” and select “Start with Keywords.”
You will be asked to name your campaign. This is what will be displayed on the first
screen when you log into your Google AdWords account, so you want to be sure to
name it something unique – something that tells you what that campaign is advertising.
Next, you will name your AdGroup. You should give it the same name as the keyword
group you chose. For example, if the keyword group “rainforest” had the most keywords
and is the group you chose, name your AdGroup “rainforest.” That way, you will know
exactly what types of keywords are in the AdGroup.
Now, you will choose the language that your ads will be written in. They will also be
displayed in this language.
Choose how you want your ads to be displayed. You can display them in: Countries and
Territories, Regions and Cities, or Customized. Remember that we said Countries and
Territories brings the most traffic. However, if your product is available only in a small
area, choose Regions and Cities or the Customized option.
When finished, click “Continue.”
If you chose “Countries and Territories” in the previous section, you will now choose the
countries you want to advertise in. Remember that you should only advertise in the
countries where your product is available.
Also, never advertise in a country that doesn’t speak the same language that the
website is written in. Here are some countries to use for the English language:
Australia Guam South Africa Zimbabwe
Bahamas Ireland United Kingdom Virgin Islands (US)
Bermuda New Zealand United States Virgin Islands (British)
Canada Singapore United States Minor Outlaying Islands
Chapter 10
Writing Text Ads
Text ads contain four different parts:
Title/Headline: The first line of the text ad whose job is to draw attention to the
Description: The second and third lines of the text ad that should convince the
user to click on your ad to visit the Web site you’re advertising.
Display URL: The fourth line of the text ad contains the Web address that
visitors will see. Keep it simple and easy to remember. Do not enter strange
characters: this Web site address is for display only. Visitors will be directed to
the actual site, not to the display URL, don’t enter an affiliate hoplink here.
Destination URL: This is the web address that surfers will go to when they click
on your ad, and is where you enter your affiliate hotlink.
Relevancy is extremely important in text ads. Your ad text should be similar to the Web
site you’re advertising, as well as the keywords you use.
Successful text ads:
1. Have titles that get right to the point.
2. Grab the reader’s attention.
3. Assure readers that the product or service will meet their needs.
4. Are clear, well-written, specific, and compelling.
Google Ad facts you need to know:
1. You don’t need to enter “http:” or “www” in the display URL.
2. You cannot use all caps in your ad, but you should capitalize the first letter
of every important word except articles and prepositions.
3. After accessing your Web site, the visitor must be able to return to the
Google search page with one click on the “Back” button.
4. Do not use a Web site that is identical to another other Web sites (e.g., the
same graphics and text) but with a different Web site addresses.
5. Do not use a website that requires additional software to load (for instance,
a link that opens a PDF document rather than a Web page).
6. Google does not allow you to advertise a site which has pop-up or popunder
ads. You can, however, use dynamic ads—ads that hover over the
Web page and disappears when you close the page.
Text Ad Guidelines
1. Be respectful of readers by not insulting them. They certainly won’t click on
your ad if you insult them or make them angry!
2. Tell viewers just enough to tempt them, but make them click for more
information. For example, if you’re selling an item for $70.00 that a
competitor is advertising for $65.00, don’t put your price in your ad.
3. Do not repeat yourself in your ad. You need to pack as much unique
information as possible into a small space.
4. Google only allows one exclamation point in an ad, so use it to emphasize
the most important word or sentence.
5. Do not use Web page or business names in your ads. The only exception: if
the Web site or company is well-known, the reader will be more likely to
click the ad.
6. Without violating any of the previous guidelines and tips, do what is
necessary to make the viewer interested in your ad.
7. Try to reproduce the parts of other advertisers’ ads that you like.
8. Capitalize the first letter of every word in your text ad’s title (except articles
and prepositions.
9. Ask viewers a question or tell them what you have to offer that other
advertisers don’t have.
10. Use a Call to Action phrase such as: Free Demo of Our Video Training.
11. Make sure your text is specific, well written, clear, and compelling.
12. Pack as much text as possible in the available space to keep your ad from
looking empty.
13. Use common and easy-to-recognize abbreviations when possible to get
more solid information into your ad.
Writing Headlines/Titles
Good headlines/titles will attract attention to your ad instead of a competitor’s ad. A
good way to attract attention is by using keywords in the title.
When you create a text ad, Google displays keywords in bold text. Don’t try to pack
every keyword on the Web site into your title. Just make sure that it includes a main
word or phrase that is contained in every keyword in your list. Look through your
grouped keywords and use the word or words that appear most frequently in your list.
For example, if one of my recommended keyword groups contains the words “graphic”
and “design in all the keywords,” I would try to use both words in my headline; e.g.,
“graphic design software.”
Graphic and Design will both be bold in the headline, which helps attract the viewer’s
attention. The viewer will see listings and ads for graphic design software, design
businesses, graphic art, design schools, and a variety of other graphic and/or design
Do not, however, use the same words in the body of the text ad. Use the remaining
space to provide additional information, including enticements such as Limited Time
Offer, July Special, or whatever is appropriate for the site you’re advertising.
Click Through Rates (CTR)
A Click Through Rate is the number of people out of one hundred who click on your ad.
If, for example, one hundred people see your ad and two of them click on it, your Click
Through Rate (CTR) is 2%.
The total number of people who see your ad is called an impression. So if one hundred
people have seen the ad, it is referred to as 100 impressions. If your text ad has a high
CTR, your Quality Score will increase. The high quality score, along with other factors,
will increase your overall position, although increasing your CTR may be difficult.
Keep in mind that your Content Network CTR does not affect your Search Network
CTR. View your Search Network CTR by clicking on the Keyword tab in the AdGroup.
Click on the Summary tab in the AdGroup to see your Content Network CTR.
Techniques to Boost Your CTR
• Use words like “How to...” or “Here’s...” to start the title of your ad: “How to Boost
Your Earnings” or “Here Are the Hottest Gifts.”
• Start your title with a verb, whenever possible. For example, “Download Free
Clipart” rather than “Free Clipart Downloads.”
• Start your title with a question: “Does Your Cat Eat Your Plants?”
• Raise your Max CPC to improve your ad’s position.
• Include keywords in the ad’s title or description.
• Test new ads to learn which ones generate the highest CTRs.
Now that you understand the basics of Click Through Rates, it’s time for some basic
information about creating effective text ads.
Attracting Attention to Your Ads
Below are examples of text ads that will generate a lot of attention from Web visitors.
Here’s an example of a “How to” title: How To Buy Safe Toys.
Sometimes, you can generate a lot of attention by going against what the viewer is
thinking by shocking them with the title. Once you’ve gotten their attention, they are
more likely to read the rest of the ad, which needs to convince them to click the link!
Or use the title to ask viewers a question. It’s another effective way to attract their
attention and they’re likely to click your link to find the answer.
All of these ads first attract the reader’s attention, then reassure them or raise questions
they’d like to have answered about the product.
Once you’ve written your ads, check to make sure that Google automatically optimizes
them so that those with the highest CTRs receive the best impressions. Access your
Campaign settings and check Optimize: Show Better Performing Ads More Often.
Your text ads are all displayed equally at first, and even a poorly performing ad may
receive an occasional random click, which can cause that ad to display more often, but
that’s unusual. Google does a good job in determining which ads to show most
The only time you might not want to have Google optimize ads is if you are testing two
separate ads against each other and want to run each one half of the time for testing
You will need a minimum of two-to-three different text ads per AdGroup. Make sure they
are each different from the others in the group. After approximately three days, compare
your results with each of the ads. Delete the poorly performing ones and replace them
with new text ads. Continue to test and replace until you are happy with your CTR
Make Your Text Ads More Profitable
This section is intended to show you how to make even your profitable ads more
profitable. Before you can use the techniques we’ll present, you need to have
conversion tracking enabled and working in your Google AdWords account.
If conversion tracking isn’t enabled, you will be adjusting the AdGroup settings at
random, without knowing which AdGroups need adjusting and which do not. There is a
good chance that you could turn a profitable AdGroup into one that isn’t profitable if
you’re working blind. Be sure you have conversion tracking enabled and working in your
AdWords account before you continue.
Choose the Right Words for Your Text Ad
We’ve already discussed the importance of the words you use in your ads. Using the
right words in a text ad can increase the CTR significantly; poor word choices can cause
the CTR to decrease. They can increase or decrease sales and refunds, and the wrong
choices may cause Google to ban your ads.
Careful word choices in your text ads can make them very profitable, and that’s what
we’ll discuss in this section.
How To Make All Your Text Ads More Profitable
Text ads can be unprofitable for a variety of reasons. For instance, you may be
spending too much money on advertising to realize a profit from the sales you do have.
You may be spending too much on advertising because your keyword bids are too high
(discussed earlier) or because you’re ads are generating a lot of traffic that isn’t buying
what you’re selling.
The people who click on Google text ads fall into two groups: those who actually want to
buy something and those who are just browsing or are looking for something free. To
increase your profits, you need to minimize or eliminate the browsers, and increase the
number of serious buyers.
Here’s how:
1. Eliminate the words in your ad that cause the browsers to click on it, words like
Download, Free, Warning, Try, Sale, Wholesale, etc. Using these words attracts
a lot of the non-buying folks who are just curious.
2. If your text ad is only a little unprofitable, add words such as Buy, Order,
Purchase, etc., to make it clear to the reader that you’re not giving anything away
for free. Fewer non-buyers will click on your ad.
3. If your text ad is seriously unprofitable, you may need to add a price for the
product. Use the appropriate currency symbol (In the U.S., it’s the dollar sign: $).
Providing a price accomplished two things. It tells people right up front to not
expect anything for free, so the non-buyers are unlikely to click your ad. In
addition, it stops people from clicking who only want to find out what your price is.
So everyone who does click on your ad will understand that you are not giving
anything away for free and they already know what your price is for the item.
They are actually interested in buying!
4. Do not use Dynamic Keyword Insertion.
If Your Text Ad Has a Very Good Conversion Rate
If you have a text ad that is converting very well (a conversion rate of 2-3% or more, or
a sale for every 30-50 clicks), take advantage of the opportunity for as long as it lasts by
trying to get even more traffic to your text ad.
Make sure that all your keywords display on the first results page. First results page
rankings are 1.0-8.0. Don’t bother trying for the first three positions: they are very
expensive and don’t necessarily offer enough additional traffic to make it worth the
Advertise Intelligently
Which would you prefer:
1. Total weekly online sales of $100,000 and an $89,392.83 advertising bill, or
2. Total weekly sales of $22,000 at a cost of $10,192.96 for advertising?
Having a successful online business isn’t so much about how much you sell each days
as it is about the profit you make from your sales. The correct answer to the above
question is #2. If you choose #1, your weekly profit will be $10,607.17. If you select #2,
your profit each week will be $11.807.04. That adds up to an extra $50,000 in your
account each year.

Continual part of crap ebook

Finding Affiliate Companies
Most large companies have affiliate programs. Affiliate Companies are companies that
only offer other businesses a way to have an affiliate program.
Affiliate Companies manage these programs for thousands of online companies and
websites. So, if you have an account with an Affiliate Company, you can advertise for
thousands of websites.
Affiliate Companies offer services to both Affiliates and Merchants. Here’s the
difference: Affiliates are people who advertise a website to receive a commission, and a
Merchant is a person or company who owns the website being promoted.
Here are some of the most popular affiliate networks:
Clickbank –
PayDotCom –
Commission Junction –
How to Sign up with Clickbank
Clickbank is a free affiliate program, and you can promote (advertise) any website or
product in their Marketplace. You can then advertise for several sites at once, and your
commissions will go into one account. You will get a check in the mail for the sales you
made after 16 days.
Here’s the link that will take you directly to Clickbank’s signup page:
It is easy to follow and is self-explanatory.
As with any account, you will have to supply a Clickbank nickname and password. To
access your account, simply use the “Login” link at the top of every page. After we
discuss the remaining Merchants, you will learn about advertising strategies..
Finding a Website to Promote on Clickbank
Please note: This section is to be used when you’re reading the section about signing
up with Google AdWords.
First, visit to see which products Clickbank you can promote. To do
this, click on “Promote Products” at the top of the home page. This will take you to
another page.
Near the top of this page, click on the “Marketplace” link. This link will take you to
another page which offers two things:
1. You can search through the marketplace for a particular product.
2. You can search through the categories marked near the bottom of the page.
When you get to the categories section, you will see nine categories. By clicking on any
of these categories, you will see a list of companies for which you can advertise. At the
top of the page in a Category, you will find a search tool to help you narrow your search.
This tool helps you specify the type of product you want to find and advertise. The tool
contains the following:
Category - You can choose the subject of the products you want Clickbank to display.
Sub-Category – You can further narrow the search for products you want Clickbank to
Keywords - This lets you search for a particular product.
Sort By - Use this to tell Clickbank to sort the results. This function has the following:
Popularity – Shows the most popular products first.
High Gravity – Shows the products with the most affiliates first.
5 i.e page 5 of ebook
Low Gravity – Shows the products with least affiliates first

$Earned/Sale – Shows the average amount of money earned by affiliates.
%Earned/Sale – Shows the average commission rate earned by affiliates.
%Referred – Shows the percentage of sales made by affiliates only.
When you pull up the listings, you will see a link shown as “create hoplink.” This is the
link that you advertise with.
How to Sign up with PayDotCom
This site is very much like Clickbank except you get paid by PayPal. Right now,
Clickbank is more popular and has more affiliates, but you can still use PayDotCom.
To sign up, go to and click on the “Signup” link. This will
take you to a very easy to follow signup page where you simply follow the instructions.
You will have to have a PayPal account to signup with PayDotCom.
Again, once you sign up you will be able to advertise for any of their products and start
making commissions.
How to Sign up with Commission Junction
This is probably the biggest affiliate network online right now. The main difference
between this network and the other networks is that Commission Junction sells mainly
physical products that must be shipped to customers instead of materials that can be
downloaded by customers.
Here’s the only downside: They want you to have your own website. But, you can
advertise their products just as easily on search engines, so you don’t necessarily have
to have a website.To sign up, go to and click on “Apply for a CommissionJunction publisher account.”
This will take you to a page that will ask you some basic questions before creating your
free affiliate account. As soon as you complete the signup, you will have a Commission
Junction account.You can now advertise for any of their products and start making commissions.
How to Sign up with Google AdWords
Google Adwords is a pay-per-click program that lets you advertise on their search
engine, their partner sites, and millions of other websites. In this program, you can make
nice advertisements to get people to go to your website, and you can also make
keyword lists to let Google know when to show your text advertisement. These two
things will determine how much money you can make online as an Affiliate.
Whenever you look for something on Google, you will notice that several sites come up
from your search. The sites located in the middle of the page are the free sites. These
are the sites that people most often visit. However, the sites to the right of the screen
are the Google AdWords paid advertisements.
These are also sometimes shown above the general search results. These ads are Pay-
Per-Click (PPC) which means that the owner pays Google every time someone clicks
on their ad.The main reason for paying for traffic on Google is because it is very difficult to get freetraffic.When you sign up for Google AdWords PPC, you ad will be shown in Google’s search
results in about 5 minutes. You also get to decide which page you want your ad to be
shown on. Usually, the first page is the most popular, as it usually gets more visitors
than the other pages.

Cause of failure in internet marketing

The thing called financial independence is all our wish. One of the way and realized nowadays to get there is by getting  best of internet marketing.Many kickstart its way and yet do not accelerate at all..What could be the reason?Summarizing the word named "wrong mindset" refers to it.
Also the true fact is changing your mindset  doesn't necessarily  provoke success. Success is gotten through the following - the RIGHT mindset appiled to a specific environment that has a likelihood of profit.If you approach internet marketing with the right thinking, and take that thinking and apply it
into a model that has been proven to be profitable, time and time again, you WILL meet with
success.It's inevitable.
In this post we will show you how to adopt this right "success mindset" for internet
marketing, and the best environments to apply it in.
Internet Marketing Success Mindset
You can choose to respond, or react. There's a huge difference. Reaction would be - "well of
course gurus can make money because they can call all their buddies and have them mail their
lists and get a ton of traffic... but I can't do that...".
Respond would be - "how can I get in a position to where I can have friends with lists, who if I
call them, will send me a lot of traffic?".
Reaction would be - "I am not very technical, so I am very limited on what I can do online to
make money."
Respond would be - "how can I handle the technical aspects required in my business to make
the money I want... or is there a way I can bypass most of the technology all together and still
reach my financial goals?"
See the difference. One puts you in resourceful mindset, and the other peoples you in a victim

Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
A victim mindset is the enemy of money. A resourceful mindset attracts RESOURCES to you -
resources such as PROFIT.
You must CONDITION yourself to respond instead of react. Reacting is what comes natural.
Reacting is human nature. This is something you most overcome to become successful. It's
simple. First be aware of what you do when challenges present themselves. Awareness alond
can help you change.
Also, "catch and correct". Every time you catch yourself REACTING to something, correct it by
instead RESPONDING to a challenge in a resourceful manner. You do this enough and pretty
soon, automatically you'll have programmed yourself to respond instead of react.
Here's another aspect of mindset you must master - long term thinking. People who are
habitual failures can only think a few steps ahead. Every heard of the "shiny object" syndrome?
It's when you buy one product after another after another on the latest internet marketing fad.
Even if you didn't use the last 4 products you bought, you swear that this next one is "the one"
that will make all the difference.
Real talk - there is no "one" program that will change everything for you. There isn't no magic
bullet that will last for the long term. You've been seduced by the siren song. That's okay - it
happens to all of us.
It's over with. That's the past. The future is where you change your mindset so you don't fall
victim to shiny object syndrome.
To do that, let's talk about success. Here's how it happens... a bit here, a bit there, combined
over time to produce a unique system that gets results.
It's not "buy this software that can add 110,000 people to your list over night". Now, I don't
doubt some incredibly lucky and/or savvy people have done that. But that's not what you want
to base your business on.
Instead, just think of you got really good on a simple, fundamental technique that put 5 people
a day on your opt in list.
What's more obtainable - an instant flood of traffic over night, or slow, gradual growth in your
business? Obviously, the latter is easier.
Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
Shiny object syndrome happens when you want immediate gains - because that's what these
shiny objects promise. INSTEAD, what if you wanted gradual gains built on sound principles, that
applied over time would meet with success?
You'd be a lot more successful, that's for sure.
Now here's the kicker - making a skill unconscious. Let's revisit that "5 a day" concept of getting
just 5 people a day on your optin list. At first, you might try this, that and other to make it
happen. But if you kept at it, eventually you'd iron out something that worked.
Then if you applied it over and over again, pretty soon you could either do it in your sleep, or
find a way to re-engineer it so it works without your having to actively do it.
That's great - because now you can add in a second system that gets you 5 more subscribers a
Or even better - you've now cultivated a skill. What if you added another skill to it, and then
combined the two to have an even more valuable skill? Example - let's say you got your first 5
subscribers by doing basic article marketing and sending them to a site. Well, you'd get good at
creating articles - that's a skill.
Say that's working good for you, and it's become second nature because you've perfected it. So
now you go on and see if you can get a "5 a day" model going using video marketing. And you
do. And that becomes second nature.
Now all of the sudden you're a video marketing expert AND an article marketing expert. What's
that mean? If you combine the two together, you can create better sites that rank higher in the
search engine - meaning even more traffic, more subscribers.
Or you add it with a THIRD skill, and decide to start creating your own products, since you can
do both content creation (articles) and video creation. You'd now be confident enough to start
creating your own products.
Then if you create your own products and start promoting it and meet with success, then you
can add in another skill - getting affiliates to promote for you... now you're getting affiliate
traffic, article marketing traffic, video marketing traffic, search engine traffic and more.
Then you can go out and tackle and master another skill - paid advertising. And so on.
Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
See how one skill builds on the next, and builds on the next, and builds on the next? And how
each skill makes all the other skills even MORE valuable?
It's simple, right? Yes. So why don't more do it? Because they don't take the time to even
become good enough at one skill because they are so focused on immediate, short term results.
That's a pity. Don't be one of them.
Okay, let's tie this into responding vs. reacting. It's easy to react to what we've just said and
say... "well that sucks, I just wasted all my cash with all those shiny objects I just bought". You
COULD think like that, but we wouldn't recommend it.
Instead, you could respond and say - "that's great - I can now go back through all those shiny
object and extract just a few basic things from them that I could do to build long term skills over
One final mindset thing you must master - tolerance for uncertainty. Procrastination is a
problem with internet marketing. Procrastination is what happens when you are uncertain of
Uncertainty breeds fear, which is the main ingredient in procrastination. How do you fix that?
Well, you don't get rid of uncertainty. That's very hard, if not impossible to do. What you do is
learn to tolerate uncertainty. Accept it. It's normal. So when you're ready to do something and
you feel that uneasy feeling of uncertainty creeping it, stop for a second and acknowledge it.
"Yes I feel uncertain right now... and that's okay. And I'm going to do it anyway so I can at least
see what happens. Whatever happens is fine, because it will make me a better person able to
give more value to others because of the experiences this will produce..."
Then go out and take action. Over time, you will learn to function with uncertainty, and soon
come to enjoy it, because nothing is more exciting than seeing what happens when you put
something out there.
The Profitable Environment
So you've learned to be responsive, not reactive. You've learned to think long term, not short
term. You've become tolerant of uncertainty.
Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
Does this guarantee success? No! IF you're trying to sell guns to Gandhi you still wouldn't have a
profitable business. You'd fail.
You must take the right mindset into an environment that has a high chance of success. How do
you find environments like that? By seeing what is currently working, and finding a way to
improve on what is currently working.
You might have noticed the latest trend in internet marketing is "online marketing to offline
brick 'n mortar businesses". It's a hot trend because people are making money off of it. So THIS
would be an environment that would have a high chance of profit.
You might have noticed that there are certain niches where you can sell all kinds of information
products to all day long (like the internet marketing niche). THIS is an environment that would
have a high chance for profit.
This part is from crap ebook !
Internet marketing is still one of the best businesses around. Think about it. You can
make money 24/7, your business never closes, and you have only one employee –
Pay-per-click advertising and Internet marketing are only going to grow in their
popularity, and with our help, you can build your business empire and improve your
What is Online Affiliate Marketing?
Online affiliate marketing is advertising for someone else’s website and, in return, the
advertiser gets paid a commission for every sale that their ad brings to the website. As
an affiliate, you get paid for advertising for someone’s site that you do not own.
As an example, you can find any number of companies on the Internet that offer affiliate
programs. That company will give you a special URL to use in your advertising, so it
knows that you are the one that sent the customer to their site.
You then advertise the site on Google, and when someone clicks on your
advertisement, it will go directly to the company’s web page. If the customer purchases
anything from the website, you will receive a commission on that sale. It’s that easy!

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Oh!So,Do you possess some zeal and looking for merits of free genuine data entry jobs and want to do it just for part-time basis or full time.Data entry and especially free have scam tag aligning within itself but look no further ahead while there are some promising and delivering data entry job at home.
Free  work from home data entry review
Not for real thing!Because i have tried and just their too good to be true accent of the site seems unconvincing for scam not directly but in a meandering way as it's just target on adsense ads to be clicked.So, please skip the below review before i was too active in the site(pro).
.This is NZ based site
You can register free here and  offering of opportunities like data entry work, form filling, ad posting, Survey Processing, Data Mining, Data Cleansing, Xml/Html Conversion, Catalogue Conversion, Book/Pdf Conversion, Image Scanning and Indexing ;claim to have a HUGE client that provides bulk data processing work and,data processing and similar options to individuals is made that might motivate you to work part-time from  home doing home data entry job.They i meant  the logic behind the game they claim is they distribute among active members.

The upgrade option so called is not mandatory but that deliberates a little bit more than free members though the case is even free members earn here.So, what's in it?If you upgrade you have to take their exclusive online training and instructions and later on which you assimilate into your assigned work.SO,$25 is the upgrade option  and the also amazing fact is that the top earners have not upgraded and still earning from just free site features.
So, here's the link again and hurry before free earning features close down! 

 There are indeed lots of data entry sites that are legit but what is the catch behind them is that you need initially one time setup fee and monthly charge.One of such site supposed to be legit is (Nope!that's not an incentivized link for me) and require initial investment of $75-$100 bucks before getting the project  and is India-based ; At least you can rely on Indian data entry site rather than other cuz India is the outsourcing point for such tedious and time-consuming data entry work which foreign companies let them do the work in relatively cheaper rate. 
Competitive and a bit repudiating Indian free data entry site
Here's the thing i am talking about are the requirements to be and sustain there?
First your age must be 18+ and you undeniably must possess at least 20 word/min speed and you must go through their exclusive test.What is asked in the test is that you simply type specialized instructed word file and submit within deadline.The result then would be available after 1 month in the site;So give it a try perhaps you get selected to do genuine data entry work.Nowadays they are running a vacancy for internal typists with full time  and $800/month  but i didn't go for it because i found it tricky giving red saucy yolk to them;there you need to download paltalk from their link and submit name;age;country; and basic stuffs along with paltalk id.
If you think you have less tendency to go for full-time  in this just keep yourself in the exam of in-house linger project. 

All American free genuine home data entry and similar jobs

 I would like to show you amazing genuine home job site named as Next Job at Home which is   service that reports news for the work at home, telecommuter industry.They exclusively  research available work at home job listings from legitimate companies then essentially verify them.You would be hired as a remote labor. The site boldly claim to have done the work of helping lots of people around states.

 With great ease i have mentioned its name here  more importantly due to the fact that it is 100% free to use.You can subscribe them free and get suitable alerts and offers through email that might interest you .Additionally  you are allowed to use the site for gaining resources to kick off some ideas in you.Basically two sort of work entry level and telecommuting occupy prominent place in the site service.
Telecommuting:It is a kind of remote work involving the easy tasks like being virtual worker via IT and communication technology to do the given tasks and manage allocated responsibilities which can be snatched by beginner to pros professionals.The trend of economic crisis and the economical benefits like ascended productivity ,lowering in real estate associated costs,reduction of absenteeism and less cost to operate individual labor working contract that telework can offer refers to its continuous growth in telecommuting industry.The reason for viability of telecommuting work is also due to the technological  developments in electronically that can take off the two hurdles i.e.remote monitoring and security aspects in telecommuting work.Also this work can relieve the tense of increasing fuel prices for the mobile employees.Yes,the telecommuting from home part-time or full time can be for real in US whilst the fact many people in 2008 spoke up they telecommuted from home.
Oops here's the site
Transcription and similar ones
Do not ever pay to get transcription job because there involves step-by-step process to enroll in this sort of paying free genuine job. They are genuine and they are almost seeking highly skilled transcriptionists to add as a independent staff in their circle. If you're little bit intrigued to work in their company email them  at  and convince them why you'd be a great asset to their organization. Please attach your resume in Microsoft Word format.
So, make them eager by writing professionally and whilst its quality and free one you are advised to give it a try.
Next one here similar one that you would like to visit is
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