Cause of failure in internet marketing
The thing called financial independence is all our wish. One of the way and realized nowadays to get there is by getting best of internet marketing.Many kickstart its way and yet do not accelerate at all..What could be the reason?Summarizing the word named "wrong mindset" refers to it.
Also the true fact is changing your mindset doesn't necessarily provoke success. Success is gotten through the following - the RIGHT mindset appiled to a specific environment that has a likelihood of profit.If you approach internet marketing with the right thinking, and take that thinking and apply it
into a model that has been proven to be profitable, time and time again, you WILL meet with
success.It's inevitable.
In this post we will show you how to adopt this right "success mindset" for internet
marketing, and the best environments to apply it in.
Internet Marketing Success Mindset
You can choose to respond, or react. There's a huge difference. Reaction would be - "well of
course gurus can make money because they can call all their buddies and have them mail their
lists and get a ton of traffic... but I can't do that...".
Respond would be - "how can I get in a position to where I can have friends with lists, who if I
call them, will send me a lot of traffic?".
Reaction would be - "I am not very technical, so I am very limited on what I can do online to
make money."
Respond would be - "how can I handle the technical aspects required in my business to make
the money I want... or is there a way I can bypass most of the technology all together and still
reach my financial goals?"
See the difference. One puts you in resourceful mindset, and the other peoples you in a victim
Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
A victim mindset is the enemy of money. A resourceful mindset attracts RESOURCES to you -
resources such as PROFIT.
You must CONDITION yourself to respond instead of react. Reacting is what comes natural.
Reacting is human nature. This is something you most overcome to become successful. It's
simple. First be aware of what you do when challenges present themselves. Awareness alond
can help you change.
Also, "catch and correct". Every time you catch yourself REACTING to something, correct it by
instead RESPONDING to a challenge in a resourceful manner. You do this enough and pretty
soon, automatically you'll have programmed yourself to respond instead of react.
Here's another aspect of mindset you must master - long term thinking. People who are
habitual failures can only think a few steps ahead. Every heard of the "shiny object" syndrome?
It's when you buy one product after another after another on the latest internet marketing fad.
Even if you didn't use the last 4 products you bought, you swear that this next one is "the one"
that will make all the difference.
Real talk - there is no "one" program that will change everything for you. There isn't no magic
bullet that will last for the long term. You've been seduced by the siren song. That's okay - it
happens to all of us.
It's over with. That's the past. The future is where you change your mindset so you don't fall
victim to shiny object syndrome.
To do that, let's talk about success. Here's how it happens... a bit here, a bit there, combined
over time to produce a unique system that gets results.
It's not "buy this software that can add 110,000 people to your list over night". Now, I don't
doubt some incredibly lucky and/or savvy people have done that. But that's not what you want
to base your business on.
Instead, just think of you got really good on a simple, fundamental technique that put 5 people
a day on your opt in list.
What's more obtainable - an instant flood of traffic over night, or slow, gradual growth in your
business? Obviously, the latter is easier.
Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
Shiny object syndrome happens when you want immediate gains - because that's what these
shiny objects promise. INSTEAD, what if you wanted gradual gains built on sound principles, that
applied over time would meet with success?
You'd be a lot more successful, that's for sure.
Now here's the kicker - making a skill unconscious. Let's revisit that "5 a day" concept of getting
just 5 people a day on your optin list. At first, you might try this, that and other to make it
happen. But if you kept at it, eventually you'd iron out something that worked.
Then if you applied it over and over again, pretty soon you could either do it in your sleep, or
find a way to re-engineer it so it works without your having to actively do it.
That's great - because now you can add in a second system that gets you 5 more subscribers a
Or even better - you've now cultivated a skill. What if you added another skill to it, and then
combined the two to have an even more valuable skill? Example - let's say you got your first 5
subscribers by doing basic article marketing and sending them to a site. Well, you'd get good at
creating articles - that's a skill.
Say that's working good for you, and it's become second nature because you've perfected it. So
now you go on and see if you can get a "5 a day" model going using video marketing. And you
do. And that becomes second nature.
Now all of the sudden you're a video marketing expert AND an article marketing expert. What's
that mean? If you combine the two together, you can create better sites that rank higher in the
search engine - meaning even more traffic, more subscribers.
Or you add it with a THIRD skill, and decide to start creating your own products, since you can
do both content creation (articles) and video creation. You'd now be confident enough to start
creating your own products.
Then if you create your own products and start promoting it and meet with success, then you
can add in another skill - getting affiliates to promote for you... now you're getting affiliate
traffic, article marketing traffic, video marketing traffic, search engine traffic and more.
Then you can go out and tackle and master another skill - paid advertising. And so on.
Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
See how one skill builds on the next, and builds on the next, and builds on the next? And how
each skill makes all the other skills even MORE valuable?
It's simple, right? Yes. So why don't more do it? Because they don't take the time to even
become good enough at one skill because they are so focused on immediate, short term results.
That's a pity. Don't be one of them.
Okay, let's tie this into responding vs. reacting. It's easy to react to what we've just said and
say... "well that sucks, I just wasted all my cash with all those shiny objects I just bought". You
COULD think like that, but we wouldn't recommend it.
Instead, you could respond and say - "that's great - I can now go back through all those shiny
object and extract just a few basic things from them that I could do to build long term skills over
One final mindset thing you must master - tolerance for uncertainty. Procrastination is a
problem with internet marketing. Procrastination is what happens when you are uncertain of
Uncertainty breeds fear, which is the main ingredient in procrastination. How do you fix that?
Well, you don't get rid of uncertainty. That's very hard, if not impossible to do. What you do is
learn to tolerate uncertainty. Accept it. It's normal. So when you're ready to do something and
you feel that uneasy feeling of uncertainty creeping it, stop for a second and acknowledge it.
"Yes I feel uncertain right now... and that's okay. And I'm going to do it anyway so I can at least
see what happens. Whatever happens is fine, because it will make me a better person able to
give more value to others because of the experiences this will produce..."
Then go out and take action. Over time, you will learn to function with uncertainty, and soon
come to enjoy it, because nothing is more exciting than seeing what happens when you put
something out there.
The Profitable Environment
So you've learned to be responsive, not reactive. You've learned to think long term, not short
term. You've become tolerant of uncertainty.
Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
Does this guarantee success? No! IF you're trying to sell guns to Gandhi you still wouldn't have a
profitable business. You'd fail.
You must take the right mindset into an environment that has a high chance of success. How do
you find environments like that? By seeing what is currently working, and finding a way to
improve on what is currently working.
You might have noticed the latest trend in internet marketing is "online marketing to offline
brick 'n mortar businesses". It's a hot trend because people are making money off of it. So THIS
would be an environment that would have a high chance of profit.
You might have noticed that there are certain niches where you can sell all kinds of information
products to all day long (like the internet marketing niche). THIS is an environment that would
have a high chance for profit.
Also the true fact is changing your mindset doesn't necessarily provoke success. Success is gotten through the following - the RIGHT mindset appiled to a specific environment that has a likelihood of profit.If you approach internet marketing with the right thinking, and take that thinking and apply it
into a model that has been proven to be profitable, time and time again, you WILL meet with
success.It's inevitable.
In this post we will show you how to adopt this right "success mindset" for internet
marketing, and the best environments to apply it in.
Internet Marketing Success Mindset
You can choose to respond, or react. There's a huge difference. Reaction would be - "well of
course gurus can make money because they can call all their buddies and have them mail their
lists and get a ton of traffic... but I can't do that...".
Respond would be - "how can I get in a position to where I can have friends with lists, who if I
call them, will send me a lot of traffic?".
Reaction would be - "I am not very technical, so I am very limited on what I can do online to
make money."
Respond would be - "how can I handle the technical aspects required in my business to make
the money I want... or is there a way I can bypass most of the technology all together and still
reach my financial goals?"
See the difference. One puts you in resourceful mindset, and the other peoples you in a victim
Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
A victim mindset is the enemy of money. A resourceful mindset attracts RESOURCES to you -
resources such as PROFIT.
You must CONDITION yourself to respond instead of react. Reacting is what comes natural.
Reacting is human nature. This is something you most overcome to become successful. It's
simple. First be aware of what you do when challenges present themselves. Awareness alond
can help you change.
Also, "catch and correct". Every time you catch yourself REACTING to something, correct it by
instead RESPONDING to a challenge in a resourceful manner. You do this enough and pretty
soon, automatically you'll have programmed yourself to respond instead of react.
Here's another aspect of mindset you must master - long term thinking. People who are
habitual failures can only think a few steps ahead. Every heard of the "shiny object" syndrome?
It's when you buy one product after another after another on the latest internet marketing fad.
Even if you didn't use the last 4 products you bought, you swear that this next one is "the one"
that will make all the difference.
Real talk - there is no "one" program that will change everything for you. There isn't no magic
bullet that will last for the long term. You've been seduced by the siren song. That's okay - it
happens to all of us.
It's over with. That's the past. The future is where you change your mindset so you don't fall
victim to shiny object syndrome.
To do that, let's talk about success. Here's how it happens... a bit here, a bit there, combined
over time to produce a unique system that gets results.
It's not "buy this software that can add 110,000 people to your list over night". Now, I don't
doubt some incredibly lucky and/or savvy people have done that. But that's not what you want
to base your business on.
Instead, just think of you got really good on a simple, fundamental technique that put 5 people
a day on your opt in list.
What's more obtainable - an instant flood of traffic over night, or slow, gradual growth in your
business? Obviously, the latter is easier.
Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
Shiny object syndrome happens when you want immediate gains - because that's what these
shiny objects promise. INSTEAD, what if you wanted gradual gains built on sound principles, that
applied over time would meet with success?
You'd be a lot more successful, that's for sure.
Now here's the kicker - making a skill unconscious. Let's revisit that "5 a day" concept of getting
just 5 people a day on your optin list. At first, you might try this, that and other to make it
happen. But if you kept at it, eventually you'd iron out something that worked.
Then if you applied it over and over again, pretty soon you could either do it in your sleep, or
find a way to re-engineer it so it works without your having to actively do it.
That's great - because now you can add in a second system that gets you 5 more subscribers a
Or even better - you've now cultivated a skill. What if you added another skill to it, and then
combined the two to have an even more valuable skill? Example - let's say you got your first 5
subscribers by doing basic article marketing and sending them to a site. Well, you'd get good at
creating articles - that's a skill.
Say that's working good for you, and it's become second nature because you've perfected it. So
now you go on and see if you can get a "5 a day" model going using video marketing. And you
do. And that becomes second nature.
Now all of the sudden you're a video marketing expert AND an article marketing expert. What's
that mean? If you combine the two together, you can create better sites that rank higher in the
search engine - meaning even more traffic, more subscribers.
Or you add it with a THIRD skill, and decide to start creating your own products, since you can
do both content creation (articles) and video creation. You'd now be confident enough to start
creating your own products.
Then if you create your own products and start promoting it and meet with success, then you
can add in another skill - getting affiliates to promote for you... now you're getting affiliate
traffic, article marketing traffic, video marketing traffic, search engine traffic and more.
Then you can go out and tackle and master another skill - paid advertising. And so on.
Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
See how one skill builds on the next, and builds on the next, and builds on the next? And how
each skill makes all the other skills even MORE valuable?
It's simple, right? Yes. So why don't more do it? Because they don't take the time to even
become good enough at one skill because they are so focused on immediate, short term results.
That's a pity. Don't be one of them.
Okay, let's tie this into responding vs. reacting. It's easy to react to what we've just said and
say... "well that sucks, I just wasted all my cash with all those shiny objects I just bought". You
COULD think like that, but we wouldn't recommend it.
Instead, you could respond and say - "that's great - I can now go back through all those shiny
object and extract just a few basic things from them that I could do to build long term skills over
One final mindset thing you must master - tolerance for uncertainty. Procrastination is a
problem with internet marketing. Procrastination is what happens when you are uncertain of
Uncertainty breeds fear, which is the main ingredient in procrastination. How do you fix that?
Well, you don't get rid of uncertainty. That's very hard, if not impossible to do. What you do is
learn to tolerate uncertainty. Accept it. It's normal. So when you're ready to do something and
you feel that uneasy feeling of uncertainty creeping it, stop for a second and acknowledge it.
"Yes I feel uncertain right now... and that's okay. And I'm going to do it anyway so I can at least
see what happens. Whatever happens is fine, because it will make me a better person able to
give more value to others because of the experiences this will produce..."
Then go out and take action. Over time, you will learn to function with uncertainty, and soon
come to enjoy it, because nothing is more exciting than seeing what happens when you put
something out there.
The Profitable Environment
So you've learned to be responsive, not reactive. You've learned to think long term, not short
term. You've become tolerant of uncertainty.
Why You Fail At Internet Marketing
Does this guarantee success? No! IF you're trying to sell guns to Gandhi you still wouldn't have a
profitable business. You'd fail.
You must take the right mindset into an environment that has a high chance of success. How do
you find environments like that? By seeing what is currently working, and finding a way to
improve on what is currently working.
You might have noticed the latest trend in internet marketing is "online marketing to offline
brick 'n mortar businesses". It's a hot trend because people are making money off of it. So THIS
would be an environment that would have a high chance of profit.
You might have noticed that there are certain niches where you can sell all kinds of information
products to all day long (like the internet marketing niche). THIS is an environment that would
have a high chance for profit.
This part is from crap ebook !
Internet marketing is still one of the best businesses around. Think about it. You canmake money 24/7, your business never closes, and you have only one employee –
Pay-per-click advertising and Internet marketing are only going to grow in their
popularity, and with our help, you can build your business empire and improve your
What is Online Affiliate Marketing?
Online affiliate marketing is advertising for someone else’s website and, in return, the
advertiser gets paid a commission for every sale that their ad brings to the website. As
an affiliate, you get paid for advertising for someone’s site that you do not own.
As an example, you can find any number of companies on the Internet that offer affiliate
programs. That company will give you a special URL to use in your advertising, so it
knows that you are the one that sent the customer to their site.
You then advertise the site on Google, and when someone clicks on your
advertisement, it will go directly to the company’s web page. If the customer purchases
anything from the website, you will receive a commission on that sale. It’s that easy!
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