Contnuing the parts of crap ebook
Dynamic Keyword Insertion
Google’s Dynamic Keyword Insertion is an uncommon feature that you may find useful
in writing text ads. Basically, you enter a bit of code into your text ad, either in the title or
in the description. When someone enters a keyword in their search, the keyword they
entered is displayed in your ad.
This is the code:
{KeyWord: default title}
Put this bit of code into your text ad to make the keyword that the searcher types in
display your add in all lower case. The default title entered next to the code is what will
be displayed if the searchers keyword is too long to fit into the title.
Dynamic keywords can be a bit confusing at first. For example, if you were to insert
{KeyWord: example} into your ad, it doesn’t change the keyword: part of the code. The
only thing that changes is the text that comes after Keyword in the code.
It will be displayed only if users enter a search term that is too long to fit into the title.
And don’t forget you can put additional text before and after the brackets: {KeyWord:
Free Widgets}, for example.
If you’re new to GoogleAds, you probably should not use dynamic keyword Insertion
until you have mastered the basics.
Dynamic Keyword Benefits
Perhaps the most important benefit of using dynamic keywords is that it will display the
viewer’s search word in your ad’s title. If you set it up properly, it can help boost your
CTR to 3% or higher.
Another possible benefit can also be a source of trouble: Google sometimes does not
allow the use of trademarked terms in your ads.
You may be able to get around the trademark restrictions by using Dynamic Keyword
Insertion. If you have used the dynamic keyword code {KeyWord: yourProduct Music
Sale} in your ad’s title, and a user searches for music for a different player brand, your
ad’s title might appear as “user’sBrand Music Sale.”
Dynamic Keyword Disadvantages
When users enter search phrases that are longer than the title, dynamic keywords won’t
work as expected, and what the viewer sees may be confusing enough to keep potential
customers from visiting your Web site.
Also keep in mind that it’s rare to see ads that use dynamic keyword insertion receiving
high CTRs in contextual advertising.
Use this technique only if you have a product you think will really benefit from dynamic
keyword insertion, but use it very carefully!
When you finish writing your Text Ad, click the Continue button at the bottom of the
page. Google will check your ad to verify that you haven’t broken any of the rules. If you
have violated any guidelines, Google will tell you so and tell you how to fix it. If your ad
passes the test, it’s time to move on to the next step in the process.
Writing Great Text Ads
Text Ads are undeniably important and your goal is to attract everyone who wants to
buy what you’re selling, and to discourage those who are simply browsing. That can be
tricky when you attempt to use the same add to attract buyers and discourage casual
One technique to serve both purposes is to include the price of the product you’re
advertising in your ads whenever you can. This discourages the non-buyers from
clicking, since they probably don’t intend to spend anything. Then focus on attracting
potential buyers to your ad and your Web site. Keep the following facts in mind:
1. Roughly three-quarters of the clicks on Google search results pages are on the
search results. Only one-quarter are on text ads.
2. The two top ranked ads have the highest click through rates, with an estimated
10% CTR. The CTR for the ad in the lowest position on the first search results
page may be as high as 3%.
To get an idea of your CTR, look at the history for the past weeks or months for a
particular keyword. Google evaluates long-term performance, not just today’s
results, although it does put more emphasis on recent activity.
Write Your Ads
1. Make sure you have the information you’ll need, including the website you will
advertise, the destination URL, and your AdGroup keywords list.
2. Check the competition. Before you can write an effective ad, you need to see
what competing advertisers are doing. You’ll want to create ways to differentiate
yourself from other sellers.
To do this, access Google’s Ad Preview Tool at This is a very useful
tool to use when you search for your own text ads. When you search your ads in
a regular Google search, you can hurt your campaign’s performance by adding
impressions without any clicks. To avoid this undesirable effect, use the Ad
Preview tool instead. You can search for your own ads as much as you’d like
without negatively affecting your own or your advertisers accounts.
In the Ad Preview Tool, go to the Google AdGroup you’re going to create text
ad(s) for. Each of your AdGroups should have common keyword themes, and
each of your keywords should be similar.
Begin by entering a keyword in the Google Ad Preview, then search for the
results. Look carefully at the other advertisers’ ads and make notes about the
ads that really catch your attention.
3. You’ve seen the competition and it’s time to figure out how you can beat them—
which is easier than you think. A lot of online advertisers have no experience
writing text ads.
Whatever words a Web searcher types into the Google search field are bolded in
your text ad, so include as many words as possible that are similar to the words
searchers are likely to enter. Don’t overdo it, though. Enter just the most
commonly entered keywords.
Google bolds different versions of the same word. If the searcher enters the
words “stop something,” the words that are bolded in you ad will include stop,
stopping, and stops. Since stopping is four characters longer than stop, you’ll get
four additional letters of bold text in your ad.
The majority of advertisers don’t add a keyword to their display URLs, even
though It’s an easy way to draw some extra attention to your text ad. For
example, if the display URL is, simply change it to The problem with doing this is there may not be a
“barking” page on the Web site.
Google requires that the display URL is valid and goes to the same domain as
the destination URL. If the Web site has a default error page, the visitor will be
redirected to a live page on the site. If there is no default error page, the visitor
will see a 404 Error page. That simply annoys the user and sends him/her back
to the search list to click on the competition’s ad! Always test the link to make
sure users don’t see an error page!
Ad Writing Tips & Tricks
1. Google seems to prefer AdGroups that have three-to-four different ads running.
2. Make almost unbelievable claims in your ad, without making it illegal or
completely unrealistic.
3. Don’t repeat text except when you want extra bolded keywords.
4. Tell potential customers what to do; for example, “Buy Now!”
5. Try using a limited number of non-text characters such as *, “, &, etc. Don’t
overdo it. The text message is what’s important and too many symbols will take
up valuable space and obscure the message.
6. If you run out of space, remove unnecessary words such as and, as, the, in, a,
etc. or use symbols or abbreviations when possible (e.g., & for and).
Take the time to put your ads together carefully. Badly written ads will not get high
quality scores, so don’t rush through the process. Keep the information relevant, think
carefully about the words you want to appear in bold text, and look at your competitors
ads for ideas on writing your own.
Do a search and see which ads get those first-page positions and try to determine how
they got there, compared to the ads on the third page.
And always double-check your affiliate URL to make sure that you entered it correctly
and that it works properly.
Keyword Match Types
Before entering keywords into your AdGroup, it’s important to understand keyword
match types.
There are four keyword match options:
1. Broad Matched: the most commonly used. They don’t have particularly high
conversion rates because they’re too broad, but they may generate a lot of traffic.
And this option can result in a lot of irrelevant listings, which is frustrating to users
searching for a specific item or bit of information. And it’s possible that your ad
won’t display at all unless there’s an exact keyword match.
2. Phrase Matched: displayed only when the keyword(s) and the search phrase
appear in your ad in the same order the searcher typed them. They may
generate more traffic than Exact Matched, and may have a higher conversion
rate than Broad Matched.
3. Exact Matched: displayed only when the user searches for a keyword that is
exactly the same as one of yours. They don’t produce a lot of traffic, but usually
have high conversion rates.
4. Negative Matched: the most confusing option, most easily explained with an
example. If you sell abc brand cameras, you’d like to attract as many people
looking for cameras as possible. If the searcher enters “xyz Cameras” he or she
will still see your ad if you enter a negative keyword to your list. In this case, you
would use the keyword -xyz, which will cause the search to ignore the unique
brand name and display your ad no matter what brand of camera the searcher is
looking for.
Keyword Matching Benefits
Keyword matching can make it possible to reach all your potential customers, resulting
in more traffic, higher quality scores, and higher profits. The most effecting ones.
Phrase and exact matched are the best options. If you do a bit of research on your own,
you should notice that exact matches are displayed before broad-matched searches.
Keyword Wrapping
Do your own Google search to find a variety of software packages, so of it free, that can
save you a lot of time and work when you enter keywords/AdWords. Search for
“keyword+wrapping” to view available products.
Almost Done!
After the keywords are added to your AdGroup, your final task is to create an AdGroup
budget. This is not a task you want to rush through. It’s not that difficult, but a single
typo can cost you a lot of money. Make sure that you double-check your entries!
You will need to enter a maximum cost-per-click amount (Max CPC). This should be
between $0.05–$0.15, and your maximum daily advertising budget should be $8.00–
$10.00, at least initially.
point (or full stop) to separate the dollars from the cents, and a comma to separate
thousands of dollars from hundreds of dollars. Other countries use a comma between
dollars and cents.
If you accidentally enter a comma where there should be a period, you can easily turn
your $10.00 maximum daily budget amount into a $1,000 daily budget (although Google
won’t accept incorrectly entered amounts, it cannot read your mind). Make sure there’s
a period—not a comma—after the “$10” and follow it with two zeros after the period.
Google will refund at least part of your charges if you inform them immediately about
your mistake. However, it’s easier to proofread your maximum click and advertising
budgets very carefully before submitting them!
Before creating more text ads, check to see if any of your keywords are inactive. If you
find that there are a few, either pause of delete them. Eventually, you may be tempted
to raise your keyword bids, but hold off doing that for the time-being.
If the status for all your keywords is OK or Great, you can start writing more text ads.
Your goal is to have three-to-four different ads in each AdGroup. Google’s
recommendation: at least one of the ads should use dynamic keyboard insertion.
Google’s Dynamic Keyword Insertion is an uncommon feature that you may find useful
in writing text ads. Basically, you enter a bit of code into your text ad, either in the title or
in the description. When someone enters a keyword in their search, the keyword they
entered is displayed in your ad.
This is the code:
{KeyWord: default title}
Put this bit of code into your text ad to make the keyword that the searcher types in
display your add in all lower case. The default title entered next to the code is what will
be displayed if the searchers keyword is too long to fit into the title.
Dynamic keywords can be a bit confusing at first. For example, if you were to insert
{KeyWord: example} into your ad, it doesn’t change the keyword: part of the code. The
only thing that changes is the text that comes after Keyword in the code.
It will be displayed only if users enter a search term that is too long to fit into the title.
And don’t forget you can put additional text before and after the brackets: {KeyWord:
Free Widgets}, for example.
If you’re new to GoogleAds, you probably should not use dynamic keyword Insertion
until you have mastered the basics.
Dynamic Keyword Benefits
Perhaps the most important benefit of using dynamic keywords is that it will display the
viewer’s search word in your ad’s title. If you set it up properly, it can help boost your
CTR to 3% or higher.
Another possible benefit can also be a source of trouble: Google sometimes does not
allow the use of trademarked terms in your ads.
You may be able to get around the trademark restrictions by using Dynamic Keyword
Insertion. If you have used the dynamic keyword code {KeyWord: yourProduct Music
Sale} in your ad’s title, and a user searches for music for a different player brand, your
ad’s title might appear as “user’sBrand Music Sale.”
Dynamic Keyword Disadvantages
When users enter search phrases that are longer than the title, dynamic keywords won’t
work as expected, and what the viewer sees may be confusing enough to keep potential
customers from visiting your Web site.
Also keep in mind that it’s rare to see ads that use dynamic keyword insertion receiving
high CTRs in contextual advertising.
Use this technique only if you have a product you think will really benefit from dynamic
keyword insertion, but use it very carefully!
When you finish writing your Text Ad, click the Continue button at the bottom of the
page. Google will check your ad to verify that you haven’t broken any of the rules. If you
have violated any guidelines, Google will tell you so and tell you how to fix it. If your ad
passes the test, it’s time to move on to the next step in the process.
Writing Great Text Ads
Text Ads are undeniably important and your goal is to attract everyone who wants to
buy what you’re selling, and to discourage those who are simply browsing. That can be
tricky when you attempt to use the same add to attract buyers and discourage casual
One technique to serve both purposes is to include the price of the product you’re
advertising in your ads whenever you can. This discourages the non-buyers from
clicking, since they probably don’t intend to spend anything. Then focus on attracting
potential buyers to your ad and your Web site. Keep the following facts in mind:
1. Roughly three-quarters of the clicks on Google search results pages are on the
search results. Only one-quarter are on text ads.
2. The two top ranked ads have the highest click through rates, with an estimated
10% CTR. The CTR for the ad in the lowest position on the first search results
page may be as high as 3%.
To get an idea of your CTR, look at the history for the past weeks or months for a
particular keyword. Google evaluates long-term performance, not just today’s
results, although it does put more emphasis on recent activity.
Write Your Ads
1. Make sure you have the information you’ll need, including the website you will
advertise, the destination URL, and your AdGroup keywords list.
2. Check the competition. Before you can write an effective ad, you need to see
what competing advertisers are doing. You’ll want to create ways to differentiate
yourself from other sellers.
To do this, access Google’s Ad Preview Tool at This is a very useful
tool to use when you search for your own text ads. When you search your ads in
a regular Google search, you can hurt your campaign’s performance by adding
impressions without any clicks. To avoid this undesirable effect, use the Ad
Preview tool instead. You can search for your own ads as much as you’d like
without negatively affecting your own or your advertisers accounts.
In the Ad Preview Tool, go to the Google AdGroup you’re going to create text
ad(s) for. Each of your AdGroups should have common keyword themes, and
each of your keywords should be similar.
Begin by entering a keyword in the Google Ad Preview, then search for the
results. Look carefully at the other advertisers’ ads and make notes about the
ads that really catch your attention.
3. You’ve seen the competition and it’s time to figure out how you can beat them—
which is easier than you think. A lot of online advertisers have no experience
writing text ads.
Whatever words a Web searcher types into the Google search field are bolded in
your text ad, so include as many words as possible that are similar to the words
searchers are likely to enter. Don’t overdo it, though. Enter just the most
commonly entered keywords.
Google bolds different versions of the same word. If the searcher enters the
words “stop something,” the words that are bolded in you ad will include stop,
stopping, and stops. Since stopping is four characters longer than stop, you’ll get
four additional letters of bold text in your ad.
The majority of advertisers don’t add a keyword to their display URLs, even
though It’s an easy way to draw some extra attention to your text ad. For
example, if the display URL is, simply change it to The problem with doing this is there may not be a
“barking” page on the Web site.
Google requires that the display URL is valid and goes to the same domain as
the destination URL. If the Web site has a default error page, the visitor will be
redirected to a live page on the site. If there is no default error page, the visitor
will see a 404 Error page. That simply annoys the user and sends him/her back
to the search list to click on the competition’s ad! Always test the link to make
sure users don’t see an error page!
Ad Writing Tips & Tricks
1. Google seems to prefer AdGroups that have three-to-four different ads running.
2. Make almost unbelievable claims in your ad, without making it illegal or
completely unrealistic.
3. Don’t repeat text except when you want extra bolded keywords.
4. Tell potential customers what to do; for example, “Buy Now!”
5. Try using a limited number of non-text characters such as *, “, &, etc. Don’t
overdo it. The text message is what’s important and too many symbols will take
up valuable space and obscure the message.
6. If you run out of space, remove unnecessary words such as and, as, the, in, a,
etc. or use symbols or abbreviations when possible (e.g., & for and).
Take the time to put your ads together carefully. Badly written ads will not get high
quality scores, so don’t rush through the process. Keep the information relevant, think
carefully about the words you want to appear in bold text, and look at your competitors
ads for ideas on writing your own.
Do a search and see which ads get those first-page positions and try to determine how
they got there, compared to the ads on the third page.
And always double-check your affiliate URL to make sure that you entered it correctly
and that it works properly.
Keyword Match Types
Before entering keywords into your AdGroup, it’s important to understand keyword
match types.
There are four keyword match options:
1. Broad Matched: the most commonly used. They don’t have particularly high
conversion rates because they’re too broad, but they may generate a lot of traffic.
And this option can result in a lot of irrelevant listings, which is frustrating to users
searching for a specific item or bit of information. And it’s possible that your ad
won’t display at all unless there’s an exact keyword match.
2. Phrase Matched: displayed only when the keyword(s) and the search phrase
appear in your ad in the same order the searcher typed them. They may
generate more traffic than Exact Matched, and may have a higher conversion
rate than Broad Matched.
3. Exact Matched: displayed only when the user searches for a keyword that is
exactly the same as one of yours. They don’t produce a lot of traffic, but usually
have high conversion rates.
4. Negative Matched: the most confusing option, most easily explained with an
example. If you sell abc brand cameras, you’d like to attract as many people
looking for cameras as possible. If the searcher enters “xyz Cameras” he or she
will still see your ad if you enter a negative keyword to your list. In this case, you
would use the keyword -xyz, which will cause the search to ignore the unique
brand name and display your ad no matter what brand of camera the searcher is
looking for.
Keyword Matching Benefits
Keyword matching can make it possible to reach all your potential customers, resulting
in more traffic, higher quality scores, and higher profits. The most effecting ones.
Phrase and exact matched are the best options. If you do a bit of research on your own,
you should notice that exact matches are displayed before broad-matched searches.
Keyword Wrapping
Do your own Google search to find a variety of software packages, so of it free, that can
save you a lot of time and work when you enter keywords/AdWords. Search for
“keyword+wrapping” to view available products.
Almost Done!
After the keywords are added to your AdGroup, your final task is to create an AdGroup
budget. This is not a task you want to rush through. It’s not that difficult, but a single
typo can cost you a lot of money. Make sure that you double-check your entries!
You will need to enter a maximum cost-per-click amount (Max CPC). This should be
between $0.05–$0.15, and your maximum daily advertising budget should be $8.00–
$10.00, at least initially.
point (or full stop) to separate the dollars from the cents, and a comma to separate
thousands of dollars from hundreds of dollars. Other countries use a comma between
dollars and cents.
If you accidentally enter a comma where there should be a period, you can easily turn
your $10.00 maximum daily budget amount into a $1,000 daily budget (although Google
won’t accept incorrectly entered amounts, it cannot read your mind). Make sure there’s
a period—not a comma—after the “$10” and follow it with two zeros after the period.
Google will refund at least part of your charges if you inform them immediately about
your mistake. However, it’s easier to proofread your maximum click and advertising
budgets very carefully before submitting them!
Before creating more text ads, check to see if any of your keywords are inactive. If you
find that there are a few, either pause of delete them. Eventually, you may be tempted
to raise your keyword bids, but hold off doing that for the time-being.
If the status for all your keywords is OK or Great, you can start writing more text ads.
Your goal is to have three-to-four different ads in each AdGroup. Google’s
recommendation: at least one of the ads should use dynamic keyboard insertion.
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